About Us

BM Intelligence Group

BM Intelligence Group is a dynamic and rapidly expanding organization specializing in business, financial and corporate consultancy as well as investment and wealth management services. The Company, founded in 1995, has grown from a small corporate finance service provider to today's array of various professional divisions-Corporate Finance, Company Secretarial, Business Valuation, Property Valuation, Translation, Financial & Corporate Communication, Event Management, Fund & Wealth Management, Business Centre, Investment Migration, Training Centre, Securities, Strategic Marketing and Information Technology,etc., headquartered in Hong Kong with branch offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

Payment Methods

By Cheque Payable to: “BMI Securities Limited”
By Cash to :
Name of bank SWIFT Code Account no. (HKD) Account no. (RMB) Account no. (USD)
HSB HASEHKHHXXX 024-787-151364-001 024-787-151430-239 024-787-151364-883
HSBC HSBCHKHHHKH 004-640-128880-001 004-640-135711-209 004-640-128880-838
CHB LCHBHKHH 041-256-10-105019-8 041-256-19-901582-8 041-256-10-023079-4

Note: Please mark the account name and account number on the pay-in-slip and fax to our Settlement Department at (852)3106-0456.

Contact Us

Tel: (852) 3575 1300
Fax: (852) 3106 0456
Email: enquiry@bmisonline.com
Address: Suite 01-08, 27/F., Shui On Centre,
6-8 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong